
Hi, I'm Katie! I am a Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister and Friend. My Husband and I have two beautiful daughters, Sam and Ella. When Sam was born, we were faced with a different path than we anticipated. She was born with bi-lateral Microtia Atresia. It was so overwhelming at first, but now I can say that it's been and will be an amazing journey!

I've wanted to start a blog for a long time now, but just haven't figured out how to add one more thing into my life.  As we begin this year 2013, I'm going to make an effort!  I don't expect anyone to read it, I just want to jot down my thoughts, hopes and experiences.   

This is my little family.  Me, Katie, my wonderful, supportive husband, Mike and our two beautiful girls, Samantha and Ella.

My 5 year old is Samantha.  She is a beautiful, smart, curious little girl who happens to have hearing loss.  Sam, was born with a rare birth defect called Microtia Atresia, which means her outer ears did not form properly.  In her case, it affected both sides (bilateral).  Sam wears a bone conduction hearing device that gives her access to sound.  She is so amazing and has worked so hard in her 5 years, she is truly an inspiration.   caption

My little Ella is 2 years old and is super spunky!  She wants to do everything her big sister does and loves a good snuggle. Ella is becoming very independent lately and wants to do EVERYTHING herself.  She is always making us laugh!

I named my blog, "Attached at the hip" because sometimes I feel like my two delightful girls are, "attached to my hip".  I am a SAHM, so I am with them all the time.  I guess it's a good thing they like to be with me! 

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